El haber tomado el control de las investigaciones sobre las muertes de tres j贸venes en Santiago, San Jos茅 de Ocoa y el Distrito Nacional, en la convicci贸n de que representaron “una cosa b谩rbara, inhumana, que duele y averg眉enza”, la Procuradur铆a General anticipa que en estos casos no habr谩 encubrimientos ni impunidad.
Algo m谩s: la procuradora general, Miriam Germ谩n, ha tomado la determinaci贸n de ordenar un inventario de todos los casos semejantes que se han producido en los cuarteles policiales, muchos de los cuales probablemente han ca铆do en la impunidad o el olvido, sin reales consecuencias para los culpables.
Este paso constituye uno de los m谩s cruciales retos que se impone a s铆 mismo el ministerio p煤blico, para romper con una tradici贸n de maridajes perversos entre fiscales y polic铆as que manipulan u ocultan pruebas de asesinatos brutales, con tal de que la justicia no pueda sancionar a los autores.
El presidente Luis Abinader, propulsor y defensor de un ministerio p煤blico independiente, ha afirmado que “en mi gesti贸n, ning煤n caso de esa naturaleza quedar谩 sin sanci贸n, sin importar qui茅n o qui茅nes sean responsables”, lo que constituye tambi茅n otra se帽al de que la era de los cr铆menes sin castigo debe terminar.
Por fortuna, la sociedad tiene en la magistrada Miriam Germ谩n, y en sus procuradores adjuntos, una trilog铆a de guardianes insobornables en la lucha contra la corrupci贸n y los abusos a los derechos humanos, barrera infranqueable para los que apa帽an acciones que debilitan la institucionalidad en el pa铆s.
Con el nivel de consternaci贸n y repudio social que han generado los cr铆menes recientes, la 煤nica esperanza de que esa cultura del garrote que ha predominado en la Polic铆a desde su fundaci贸n sea erradicada y sustituida por la del paradigma de la protecci贸n ciudadana, descansa en un ministerio p煤blico responsable, valiente y decidido a meter en cintura a todos los que han usado a la justicia y a las instituciones armadas para actuaciones inconfesables.
Mrs. Miriam does not fail
The Public Ministry is giving signals to society that it will not be
permissive in the face of the abuses that have resulted in the
unjustified death of citizens imprisoned in police stations.
Having taken control of the investigations into the deaths of three young people in Santiago, San Jos茅 de Ocoa and the National District, in the conviction that they represented "a barbaric, inhumane thing that hurts and embarrasses", the Attorney General's Office anticipates that in these cases there will be no cover-ups or impunity.
Something else: the attorney general, Miriam Germ谩n, has decided to order an inventory of all the similar cases that have occurred in police stations, many of which have probably gone unpunished or forgotten, without real consequences for the culprits.
This step constitutes one of the most crucial challenges that the public ministry imposes on itself, to break with a tradition of perverse marriages between prosecutors and police officers who manipulate or hide evidence of brutal murders, as long as justice cannot punish the authors.
President Luis Abinader, promoter and defender of an independent public ministry, has affirmed that "in my management, no case of this nature will go unpunished, regardless of who or who is responsible", which is also another sign that the era of unpunished crimes must end.
Fortunately, society has in the magistrate Miriam Germ谩n, and in her deputy attorneys, a trilogy of incorruptible guardians in the fight against corruption and human rights abuses, an insurmountable barrier for those who manage actions that weaken the institutions in the country.
With the level of consternation and social repudiation that recent crimes have generated, the only hope that the culture of the stick that has prevailed in the Police since its foundation will be eradicated and replaced by that of the paradigm of citizen protection, is to have with a public ministry that is responsible, courageous and determined to curb all those who have used justice and armed institutions for shameful actions.
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